11月 19, 2011

100382004 張皓鈞 作業三

I designed all of the segment using beam girder bridge type.
All of the segment were added ductile material, bearing and shock absorbers safely features.
After the earthquake simulation, the bridge survived when Hayward fault occurred 8.0 magnitude earthquake. The bridge also survived when San Andreas fault occurred 8.5 magnitude earthquake.
But the bridge collapsed when San Andreas fault occurred 9.0 magnitude earthquake. The pier bearings could not absorb the shockwaves and were not ductile enough to withstand the force.
The bridge had the advantage of easy to build and the building cost was not really high. Because the bridge is a combination of steel and concrete.
If the segment 1 and 2 changed into suspension bridge type. The bridge had the same anti-seismic ability, but the bridge had to add another shear links safely features. Otherwise, the bridge damaged. Another hand, suspension bridge type was not easy to build and the building cost was higher than beam girder bridge type.
So finally, I designed all of the segment using beam girder bridge type.

